Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Emerald City

For years we have had some great city employees who have been pushing for the city to establish more sustainable practices and guidelines. But most of what we have gotten out of elected officials is rhetoric. Now we have a mayor who is trying to stand up and get all our elected officials to stand behind a green banner for many of the right reasons. We need job growth and the development of a more sustainable, local economy which we can accomplish through business innovation and planning guidelines that promote green practices.

Mayor Kevin Johnson kicked off his Green Initiative this week to a packed house and a visit from the Governor and his wife. After more than six years in the green building industry it was such a relief for me to see all of the people already engaged from our community and strong support from the top reaches of our local and state government. Mayor Johnson seems to have a good approach to address this initiative. His plan is not to reinvent the wheel or to detract from the great foundation of work that others have already done, but rather to identify and support what already exists and help identify and address ways to fill in the gaps.

I plan to support and attend all of the monthly meetings that will be hosted by the mayor through the end of this year. It will connect us directly to the mayor, city council, city and county staffs and so many of the other businesses and organizations that are already working hard to build our economy. With organization and support like that we really do have a chance for a green renaissance!

If you’d like to learn more visit the mayor’s website at

Josh Daniels
Green Sacramento

1 comment:

  1. I will believe it when it actually HAPPENS.

    So far Mayor Johnson has been "all talk and no hat."

    He refused to comment either way if he was in favor of legalizing urban backyard chicken raising. I called and wrote his office dozens of times and his staff refused to comment.

    I view him as a self-serving, opportunist, extremely charming - tremendous charisma but little real substance.
